New blog

I didn’t blog for a long time, in order to get some enthusiasm and new intrest in blogging the logical thing to do is migrate your blog ;) That way your blog is something more then just writing, but something that you can enjoy (at least I can). And here you have it my new blog, I’ve moved away from blogger and are now blogging using github pages. Like I said it’s just something I’ve done because I like technical things and working on it like this will give me a spark to start blogging again. But it’s also because I saw this insperational talk from Dan Allen 7 Ways to Hack Your Brain to Write Fluently and although I’m not writing this in asciidoc I’m still using things from his talk. I’ve used exported my blog from blogger as xml and converted it to markdown using the jekyll import. All that was left to do after that is make a nice look and feel. What I like the most of this new blog is that I have a nice way to format code, which I hope I’ll be able to use in every post ;)

  var example = "example of formatted code";
  example += ", because it's cool";


Things that I’m intrested in and going to blog about in the near future are:

So stay tuned

Written by Erik Jan de Wit on 22 August 2016